Project: botan

Language c++
OSS-Fuzz project link
Project repository link
Build status: Fuzzers succeeding: Build log
Build status: Code coverage succeeding: Build log
Build status: Fuzz Introspector succeeding: Build log
Fuzzer count 34
Lines of code 75147
Lines covered 30060
Code coverage 40.00%
Code coverage report Report link
Static reachability 0.26%
Fuzz Introspector report Report link (from 2025-03-27)
Fuzzer Code coverage (lines) Latest Report Comments
asn1 23.69% (avg: 23.61%, max: 23.69%) 2025-03-27
barrett 48.39% (avg: 48.36%, max: 48.39%) 2025-03-27
bn_cmp 11.41% (avg: 11.4%, max: 11.41%) 2025-03-27
bn_sqr 30.63% (avg: 30.62%, max: 30.63%) 2025-03-27
cert 27.51% (avg: 27.71%, max: 27.84%) 2025-03-27
crl 5.48% (avg: 5.5%, max: 5.52%) 2025-03-27
divide 45.04% (avg: 45.01%, max: 45.04%) 2025-03-27
ecc_bp256 13.53% (avg: 13.56%, max: 13.61%) 2025-03-27
ecc_p256 13.71% (avg: 13.74%, max: 13.79%) 2025-03-27
ecc_p384 14.11% (avg: 14.13%, max: 14.18%) 2025-03-27
ecc_p521 14.14% (avg: 14.17%, max: 14.22%) 2025-03-27
gcd 10.4% (avg: 10.4%, max: 10.4%) 2025-03-27
invert 29.65% (avg: 29.64%, max: 29.65%) 2025-03-27
ipv4 23.43% (avg: 23.28%, max: 23.43%) 2025-03-27
mem_pool 29.99% (avg: 29.99%, max: 29.99%) 2025-03-27
mode_padding 16.58% (avg: 16.54%, max: 16.58%) 2025-03-27
mp_comba_mul 41.52% (avg: 41.52%, max: 41.52%) 2025-03-27
mp_comba_sqr 63.81% (avg: 63.81%, max: 63.81%) 2025-03-27
mp_redc 76.36% (avg: 76.36%, max: 76.36%) 2025-03-27
mp_redc_crandall 17.9% (avg: 17.89%, max: 17.9%) 2025-03-27
oaep 2.29% (avg: 2.27%, max: 2.29%) 2025-03-27
ocsp 11.25% (avg: 11.41%, max: 11.55%) 2025-03-27
os2ecp 18.48% (avg: 18.41%, max: 18.48%) 2025-03-27
pkcs1 3.34% (avg: 3.31%, max: 3.34%) 2025-03-27
pkcs8 25.78% (avg: 25.82%, max: 25.84%) 2025-03-27
pow_mod 69.73% (avg: 69.7%, max: 69.73%) 2025-03-27
ressol 12.81% (avg: 12.89%, max: 12.97%) 2025-03-27
tls_13_handshake_layer 7.19% (avg: 7.4%, max: 7.55%) 2025-03-27
tls_client 5.82% (avg: 5.84%, max: 5.87%) 2025-03-27
tls_client_hello 3.02% (avg: 3.06%, max: 3.11%) 2025-03-27
tls_server 21.73% (avg: 21.83%, max: 21.96%) 2025-03-27
uri 20.62% (avg: 20.53%, max: 20.62%) 2025-03-27
x509_dn 11.84% (avg: 11.84%, max: 11.85%) 2025-03-27
x509_path 27.04% (avg: 27.08%, max: 27.34%) 2025-03-27

Historical Progression

Per Fuzzer Progression

Functions of interest to fuzz

This section outlines functions that may be of interest to fuzz. They are based on ranking functions that have a lot of complexity but currently exhibit low code coverage. The complexity is calculated based on the function itself as well as the functions called by the given function, i.e. the tree of code that the function triggers.

This is only a minor amount of introspection information available for this project. Please consult the Fuzz Introspector report for more information, e.g. the introspection table of all functions in the target project available here.

Function name Function source file Accumulated cyclomatic complexity Code coverage
Botan_Tests::DLIES_KAT_Tests::run_one_test /src/botan/src/tests/test_dlies.cpp 296 0.0%
Botan_Tests::PK_PQC_KEM_KAT_Test::run_one_test /src/botan/src/tests/test_pubkey_pqc.h 282 0.0%
Botan_Tests::test_xor /src/botan/src/tests/test_dlies.cpp 277 0.0%
Botan_CLI::Speed::go /src/botan/src/cli/speed.cpp 267 0.0%
Botan_Tests::Filter_Tests::run /src/botan/src/tests/test_filters.cpp 258 0.0%
Botan_Tests::test_x509_extensions /src/botan/src/tests/unit_x509.cpp 252 0.0%
Botan_Tests::test_x509_cert /src/botan/src/tests/unit_x509.cpp 246 0.0%
Botan_Tests::Cryptobox_KAT::run_one_test /src/botan/src/tests/test_cryptobox.cpp 245 0.0%
Botan_Tests::PK_Key_Generation_Test::run /src/botan/src/tests/test_pubkey.cpp 242 0.0%
Botan_Tests::hybrid_kem_keypair /src/botan/src/tests/test_tls_hybrid_kem_key.cpp 238 0.0%