Project: nodejs

Language c++
OSS-Fuzz project link
Project repository link
Build status: Fuzzers succeeding: Build log
Build status: Code coverage succeeding: Build log
Build status: Fuzz Introspector failing: Build log
Fuzzer count 49
Lines of code 89956
Lines covered 21476
Code coverage 23.87%
Code coverage report Report link
Static reachability N/A
Fuzz Introspector report N/A
Fuzzer Code coverage (lines) Latest Report Comments
fuzz_blob 10.38% (avg: 10.38%, max: 10.38%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_buffer_compare 10.59% (avg: 10.59%, max: 10.59%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_buffer_equals 10.58% (avg: 10.58%, max: 10.58%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_buffer_includes 11.83% (avg: 11.83%, max: 11.83%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_cipheriv 0% (avg: 0.0%, max: 0%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_ClientHelloParser 11.01% (avg: 11.01%, max: 11.01%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_createPrivateKeyDER 10.94% (avg: 10.94%, max: 10.94%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_createPrivateKeyJWK 10.93% (avg: 10.93%, max: 10.93%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_createPrivateKeyPEM 10.93% (avg: 10.93%, max: 10.93%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_diffieHellmanDER 10.94% (avg: 10.94%, max: 10.94%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_diffieHellmanJWK 10.94% (avg: 10.94%, max: 10.94%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_diffieHellmanPEM 10.94% (avg: 10.94%, max: 10.94%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_env 17.9% (avg: 17.91%, max: 17.98%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_fs_write_open_read 10.84% (avg: 10.84%, max: 10.84%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_fs_write_read_append 10.88% (avg: 10.88%, max: 10.88%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_httpparser1 10.91% (avg: 10.91%, max: 10.91%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_LoadBIO 9.3% (avg: 9.3%, max: 9.3%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_ParseCaaReply 9.25% (avg: 9.25%, max: 9.25%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_ParseGeneralReply 9.28% (avg: 9.28%, max: 9.28%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_ParseMxReply 9.26% (avg: 9.26%, max: 9.26%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_ParseNaptrReply 9.25% (avg: 9.24%, max: 9.25%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_ParsePublicKey 1.33% (avg: 1.33%, max: 1.33%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_ParseSoaReply 9.36% (avg: 9.36%, max: 9.36%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_ParseSrvReply 9.27% (avg: 9.27%, max: 9.27%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_ParseTxtReply 9.24% (avg: 9.24%, max: 9.24%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_path_basename 10.46% (avg: 10.46%, max: 10.46%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_path_dirname 10.46% (avg: 10.46%, max: 10.46%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_path_extname 10.46% (avg: 10.46%, max: 10.46%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_path_format 10.4% (avg: 10.4%, max: 10.4%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_path_isAbsolute 10.46% (avg: 10.46%, max: 10.46%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_path_join 10.38% (avg: 10.38%, max: 10.38%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_path_normalize 10.46% (avg: 10.46%, max: 10.46%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_path_parse 10.46% (avg: 10.46%, max: 10.46%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_path_relative 10.4% (avg: 10.4%, max: 10.4%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_path_resolve 10.47% (avg: 10.47%, max: 10.47%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_path_toNamespacedPath 10.46% (avg: 10.46%, max: 10.46%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_querystring_parse 10.39% (avg: 10.39%, max: 10.39%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_quic_token 0% (avg: 0.0%, max: 0%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_sign_verify 11.6% (avg: 11.6%, max: 11.6%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_stream1 10.59% (avg: 10.59%, max: 10.59%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_string_decoder 10.65% (avg: 10.65%, max: 10.65%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_strings 9.75% (avg: 9.75%, max: 9.75%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_tls_socket_request 13.03% (avg: 13.03%, max: 13.03%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_v8_deserialize 0% (avg: 0.0%, max: 0%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_x509 11.28% (avg: 11.28%, max: 11.28%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_zlib_brotliCompress 10.99% (avg: 10.99%, max: 10.99%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_zlib_brotliDecompress 10.99% (avg: 10.99%, max: 10.99%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_zlib_createBrotliDecompress 10.99% (avg: 10.99%, max: 10.99%) 2025-03-27
fuzz_zlib_gzip_createUnzip 11.06% (avg: 11.06%, max: 11.06%) 2025-03-27

Historical Progression

Missing Introspector data

Some graphs are not shown as there is no Fuzz Introspector data available. Please see indexing page for the relevant build logs. Once the build is working additionals graphs will be displayed.

Per Fuzzer Progression